The Whimsical History of the Purim Spiel
The story of Esther is full of cosmic winks and giggles, which is what made Purim Speils so hard to ban for Chazal, even when live theater was often violent and crude with the occasional on-stage murder. Sages of the Mishnaic and Talmudic eras condemned theatre for being frivolous, and yet, Purim Speils were relatively commonplace throughout Ashkenazi Jewry of the mid-1500s.
How to Reinvent Judaica, with Dana Hollar Schwartz
As the creative force behind Via Maris, Dana Hollar Schwartz has carved a unique niche in the world of Judaica, merging the ritual objects she designs with a timeless modernist aesthetic.
Havurah’s Annual Je-Wish List
The season of infinite joy and fried foods is here. Each year, we present a list of the top Jew-ish (actually… very Jewish) gifts for all the characters in your life.
Clara Grusq finds Healing in Jewish Art
Born in Paris, France, and descended from Holocaust survivors and resistants of the Algerian War, Clara Grusq is a Jewish multidisciplinary artist, writer, and creative director based in New York.
Mimi Huszti Finds her Heritage in Surrealism
Mimi Huszti is a 20-year old Jewish-Canadian interdisciplinary artist born in the prairies, now studying film production at SFU in Vancouver. She likes to create art that incorporates surreal and dreamlike elements to twist and challenge reality.
I Went to a Summer Camp for Jewish Artists and it was Unbelievable
Havurah’s Creative Director reminisces on a spiritual and fluorescent summer in a picturesque camp for Jewish Artists.
Jake Sheykhet Plays with Light and Darkness
Jake Sheykhet, a student at Brown University studying History or Art and Architecture, has crafted a unique artistic language deeply rooted in his Soviet Jewish heritage. Hailing from Denver, Colorado, Sheykhet's creative journey was kindled early on, guided by his parents and Soviet art instructors.
An Indie Musician’s Journey to Jewish Sound
Leah Dunn is an audio engineer, producer, and recording artist. She joined as the music director of Havurah in the Summer of 2022.
How Hannah Gaffney Weaves her Jewish Heritage
Hannah Gaffney, an emerging artist from Mont Vernon, New Hampshire, is currently enrolled at The Savannah College of Art and Design (SCAD), where she is honing her skills in Fiber. Drawing heavily on the textures and tales of found photos, antique trinkets, and family traditions Gaffney sees her art as an extension of herself.
Yoni Gutenmacher is Writing Fiction for our Jewish Time
Yoni Gutenmacher is a student at Brooklyn College, completing his MFA in Creative Writing. Based in New York, Yoni’s work both as a writer and a member of the Jewish community has been informed by his experiences within the city's diverse cultural landscape.
Hanna Veiler Writes Outside the Lines
Hanna Veiler, president of the German Jewish Student Union, writes on topics of complex identity, migration and memory culture. Known largely for her Jewish activism, her poems and short-stories lies side by side with her fight against antisemitism.
A Blemish on the Arts: A Letter from a Jewish Artist
Graphic Artist and Havurah Advisory Board Member Alex Woz writes on the rise of antisemitism in the creative world, and reflects on Jewish exclusion within the arts.
Eight TV Episodes You Should Watch This Chanukah
From Rugrats to Seinfeld, I’ve narrowed down my essential viewing list of Chanukah episodes, sharing one for each night.
Havurah’s Annual Je-Wish List 5784
The season of hot beverages and thick sweaters is upon us. As Havurah’s self-proclaimed shopping expert, I thought it only right for me to publish our annual Chanukah gift guide. Our list includes some staff picks along with some spins on a few timeless classics. I guarantee these presents are so good, only one will be enough to last all eight nights.
Nathan Salsburg on Folk Music and Jewish Inspiration
In this intimate conversation, iconic folk music guitarist and composer Nathan Salsburg intertwines his musical journey with his Jewish heritage, creating a path that transcends time and space.
On Mac Miller's Yahrzeit, Remembering His Jewish References
As a fellow Jewish kid born in the 90s, listening to the Jewish references and wordplay in his music influenced me tremendously. I’ve combed through the internet, searching the r/MacMiller subreddit and diving deep into Google, and here I have compiled Mac Miller’s Jewish references that are most meaningful to me.
Eight Films to watch this Tisha b’Av
Films that echo themes of destruction, introspection, and serious contemplation have become fitting vehicles for this observance, helping us engage more deeply with the spirit of the day. Thus, the custom of watching sad, usually shoah-centered, movies on Tisha b’Av was born.
In Their Footsteps: Abby Litman writes Music for her Ashkenazi Heritage
Abby Litman's latest song, "This is Where I Stand," recounts the story of her grandparents during the Holocaust. Having attended a Jewish day school, Litman embarked on a March of Living-style trip to Poland and Israel for her graduation. However, despite being in such an intense place, she struggled with the feeling of not "experiencing it deeply" enough.
From Texas to Tzfat: The Spiritual Journey of Chaya Toron
In this intimate interview with Havurah, Rachel Rumstein sits down with beloved Judaica artist Chaya Toron. Chaya shares her journey as an artist, the inspiration behind her work, and her mission to bring beauty and holiness to the world through creativity.
The Annual Havurah Gift Guide - 5783
The season of hot beverages and thick sweaters is upon us. As Havurah’s self-proclaimed shopping expert, I thought it only right for me to publish our annual Chanukah gift guide. Our list includes some staff picks along with some spins on a few timeless classics. I guarantee these presents are so good, only one will be enough to last all eight nights.
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Want to think through your idea for the Havurah Journal together? Reach out to with any questions or to brainstorm!